3 Year Old Kindergarten

3 Year Old Curriculum

3 Year Old Kindergarten is all about children becoming a part of a wider social network, and all that that entails. Not only is kinder a chance for children to make valuable friendships, it also provides parents and families with an opportunity to meet other local families with similar aged children. We believe that children should feel valued as members of their kinder group, and also understand their place in the wider community.

Through play based experiences and shared group times, we discuss age appropriate issues such as turn taking, sharing, listening and respecting others and themselves, group dynamics, and self worth. Dramatic play and pretend play form a large part of the program, allowing children the opportunity to act out scenarios that are meaningful in their life, in the security and warmth of our kinder environment.

This year is also an introduction to lifelong skills and concepts, such as science and community, numeracy and literacy, & arts and crafts. For the most part these activities are child directed, and are provided in a way that allows children to explore these concepts in basic formats. As with any child and family focused program, the rate at which each child shows interest and therefore develops in these areas is very individual.

Our belief is that this precious first year of kindergarten is mainly concerned with fostering children’s social selves, whilst having fun and learning valuable skills along their journey.


Kindergarten Teacher: Heather (Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies).

Kinder Assistant Teacher: Rebecca (Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education)